̥ Sheikh Asif's Portfolio

Hey, My name is sheikh asif ali

I am an Android Mobile Developer building Java & Kotlin Apps, using modern architectures and best practices in the industry.

Who Am I?

I am a self taught Android Developer. I graduated in Bachelor Of Computer Applications in 2024. I've have built real world projects which can be found below and on my Github Page. They Range from Android Apps, To Springboot and PHP websites.
I like learning about new technologies and implementing them in creative ways, and just go deep into the rabbit hole until I find a solution.

I'm a fan of mobile apps and have explored hundreds across various categories over the years. Everytime there's something new to learn from it. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

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Projects Here are all the projects I've built over time.

Hue Calculator

Unleash a calculator that bursts with c o l o r! Watch as the buttons change color with every click, transforming your calculations into a captivating visual experience. Plus, explore Light and Dark modes to match your environment or preference. Calculate with style and watch your numbers come to life!

Source Code & Download

Built using Kotlin, Java, XML


Chatty is a sleek Android chat application built with Firebase``, offering real-time messaging, secure user authentication. Leveraging Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Messaging, Chatty ensures instant message delivery. Chatty provides a modern and user-friendly communication platform. Designed Material Design principles, it ensures maintainability, scalability, and an intuitive user experience.

Source Code & Download

Built using Kotlin, XML

Software Screenshot

Who Wrote It

Using Google's Book API, this app can find the author of any book. The user only needs to write the name of the book and the author will appear in the result.
Built using Java, XML

Software Screenshot

Score Keeper

A Score Keeping App with built-in Light/Dark mode button. Offers upto 2 Players/Teams, with support for incrementing and decrementing at will.
Built using Java, XML

Tic Tac Toe

I decided to take Tic-Tac-Toe to the next level! The Frontend was created using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. Instead of a simple game, I built a database using Springboot. Now players can enter names that get stored and even check their game history. I kept the theme minimalist for a clean look and used toastr notifications for a touch of polish. It all comes together to make a super engaging and user-friendly game!

Built using Java Springboot, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


This website is the result of a 24 hour hackathon where I led a team of 3 other memebrs to solve a problem within 24 hours. This is a website which was made for authors and writers so they can write, collab and also save the characters in their story so they can write the detials once and can revisit it anytime to write better stories. This is still a Prototype but will keep adding new features and fix bugs.

Live Link

Built using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Software Screenshot

Digital Wellbeing Stats

In this Pure Java Project, I created an application which proceses time data created by an existing app and tells the user how much time they have spent using a particular Software in Windows. The user can select a range between which the data should be presented for and can also limit, so the user sees only those apps which have crossed the limit. br Source Code & Download
Built using Java

Software Screenshot

Droid Cafe

In this project, I implemented the UI for a dessert ordering app, and a separate screen to fill in the order information. The information submitted can be used to process further.
Built using Java, XML

Using Room Database

Utilizing Room Database, this App can be used to store data for the long term, even after killing the app the Data Persists.
Built using Java, XML

Software Screenshot

Sports News

This project implements the Holo Design Language and Uses Glide to efficiently load images. The cards can be re-ordered and swiped away when not used.
Built using Java, XML